
Does the sight below cause stress?

If so, you have come to the right place!

Simplify Software Engineering

We are here to simplify the subject of Software Engineering.

We deliberately do not use the word ‘Coding’. 

According to the Harvard Graduate School of Education, “Computer science and computing-related fields are often introduced to young people in a way that is disconnected from their interests and values—emphasizing technical detail over creative potential.”

We are here to help you develop personal connections to computing, by drawing upon your existing knowledge, interests, imagination and creativity.


Familiar Emotions?

Are the emotions in the adjoining image familiar?

When technical words stare at you, words that you cannot relate to, your mind will get agitated.

The agitation often causes fatigue, fear, resistance and similar emotions. 

Our objective is to make learning of programming computers a journey of fun and power.

Are you ready for a journey or discovery, curiosity and skill development?

Context Based Learning

We use ‘Context Based Teaching’ to facilitate ‘Context Based Learning’.

Traditional education attempts to teach knowledge and skills.  While this produces some results, there are many disadvantages.

The solution is to use the right contexts to understand the concepts and use them correctly.

Listed below are several videos that describe the relevance, necessity, importance and utility of Context Based Teaching / Learning. 

We have several videos listed here because every student is different.

Our endeavor is to trigger your curiosity about Context Based Teaching and Learning.

All our lessons are based on Context Based Teaching and Learning.

Derive Answers – Be Creative

We will help you learn how to:

  • Understand a software engineering problem.
  • Analyse the dimensions.
  • Design the solution.
  • Build the software machine.
  • Test it.
  • Deploy the machine.

Our aim is to help you use the creative and intellectual power within you, not your only your memory.

For Now – By Invitation Only

Access to our training is open to invitees only. 

If you wish to be invited, please go to the contact us page and send us a message.

Those who have been invited should go to the menu option ‘Course’ , click it, and the login.